MSKL Magneto Universal Car Holder

- Suitable for all cars- Suitable for all multi-shell magnets- Quick and easy installation
€ 20.80
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Article nr: 8032
  • Product description
  • Magnetic car holder for all phones and cars. You can easily and quickly attach the car holder to the car's ventilation grille. The car holder is then firmly and securely in place, the car holder holds the mobile phone with the help of a magnet. Of course, you can turn the car holder to the desired angle to be able to use e.g. GPS. The car holder is compatible with all mobiles and cases, if you already have a mobile case with magnetic function, no additional installation is needed. For those with a traditional mobile shell, 2 metal plates are included that are attached between your mobile and your mobile shell, the plates are easy to attach and do not affect either your mobile or mobile shell.

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